watchX Blocks Software

watchX Blocks Software


The watchX is a multifunctional device that combines the features of a watch, 8-bit gaming console, and developer board. Its hardware includes an innovative edge connector design, allowing users to easily disassemble the watchX and transform it into a gaming console or development board.

The multitude of features packed into one device sets it apart in terms of programming. We aimed to simplify this for beginners or those just beginning their coding journey.

Our users are interested in experimenting with the watchX, using it as a watch when not coding or enjoying gaming sessions. Therefore, we required a software that meets all of these requirements.

WatchX Blocks was created in response to these requirements.

watchX Blocks Oerview

 Here is an overview of watchX Blocks:

Ultimately, the software now fully embodies the capabilities of watchX. From a user experience perspective, our users no longer need to repeatedly compile games or watch faces; instead, they can simply upload pre-compiled hex files with just one click.

watchX Blocks was one of the key improvements we made pre-covid and we could not fully deploy it. Now it is ready to use:) With the ultimate come back of watchX, we hope it will truely serve our users. 

One of the significant enhancements we implemented before the pandemic was watchX Blocks, which we were not able to fully implement at the time. Now, we are excited to announce that it is finally ready for use! With the return of watchX, we are confident that it will greatly benefit our users.

Thats all for now!
- Mustafa, Co-founder @ watchX.

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